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28 Aug 2024 - 28 Aug 2024 | Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Library Sector - Information Services Department | Lecture | Registration

26 Aug 2024 - 26 Aug 2024 | Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Library Sector - Information Services Department | Lecture | Registration

26 Aug 2024 - 26 Aug 2024 | Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Library Sector - Information Services Department | Lecture | Open For Public

As part of the seminar series "The History of Arabic Poetry through the Ages", the BA Information Services is organizing a seminar titled "The Evolution of Arabic Poetry in Al-Andalus: A Study of Tradition and Innovation", delivered by poet Mohamed El-Balshy.  The seminar will be held ...

22 Aug 2024 - 22 Aug 2024 | Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Library Sector - Information Services Department | Lecture | Registration

20 Aug 2024 - 20 Aug 2024 | Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Library Sector - Information Services Department | Lecture | Registration