Search results for "Art Exhibitions & Collections"

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“Typo Graphiae Arabicae” Exhibition Opens at the BA

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The BA Art Exhibitions and Collections Department and the BA Writing and Scripts Center, in collaboration with Institut français d'Egypte, organize “Typo Graphiae Arabicae” Exhibition, which is held as part of the celebrations of the Franco-Egyptian Cultural Year. The exhibition covers several ...

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BA Organizes “First Time” Exhibition

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For the 11 th consecutive year, the BA Art Exhibitions and Collections Department is granting 17 young Egyptian artists the opportunity to showcase their art at the “First Time” Exhibition. Since 2006, several distinguished artists have participated in the exhibition. They have greatly contributed ...

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9th Agenda Exhibition: Announcement of Participants

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The BA has announced the names of the artists who have been chosen by the BA Arts Committee to participate in the 9 th Agenda Exhibition (2016), which is titled “Meter x Meter: A Free Space for Creativity”. One hundred and thirty-five participants have been chosen, and their artworks will be ...

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Call for Participants: Agenda 2016 Exhibition

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The BA Exhibitions and Artistic Collection Department has announced a call for participants for the 9 th  Agenda Exhibition (2016), which is titled “Meter x Meter: a Free Space for Creativity”. The Agenda Exhibition, which is considered to be one of the most important art exhibitions in Egypt ...

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