Search results for "Center for Islamic Civilization Studies"

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The BA Launches a Program for Coptic Studies

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The BA has recently launched a program for Coptic studies, concerned with publishing different studies and research, in addition to holding awareness and specialized courses in the field of Coptic heritage. The Program deals with Coptic studies in a wider sense, including Coptic culture and ...

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Coptic Studies Conference at the BA

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The BA Calligraphy Center organizes a conference entitled “Life in Egypt during the Coptic Period: Towns and Villages, Laymen and Clergy, Bishops and Dioceses” in cooperation with the Supreme Council for Antiquities and the Society for Coptic Archaeology from 21 and 23 September 2010. The ...

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Exhibition of Arabic and Coptic Papyri at the BA

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Alexandria— Co-organized by the Austrian Cultural Forum in Cairo, the BA is hosting an Exhibition entitled "Texts from the Early Islamic period of Egypt: Muslims and Christians at their First Encounter", from 4 to 18 May 2009. The Exhibition features about 23 panels of Arabic Papyri from the ...

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An Agreement between the BA and the Coptic Monuments Association

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Alexandria— The BA, represented by Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria, and the Coptic Monuments Association, directed by Engineer Youssef Boutros Ghali, have recently signed a memorandum of cooperation to spread awareness on Coptic monuments among the public. Dr. ...

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