To all Our Friends Around the World:18 Days that Shook the World

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Thank you for your many messages of solidarity and support throughout these last two weeks. And a salute to Egypt’s wonderful youth, who changed the course of history through peaceful demonstrations. The moral power of non-violence was never more ably deployed for the cause of more freedom, more ...

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A Salute to the Great Youth of Egypt

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To the great youth of Egypt, the leaders of the Egyptian revolution of 25 January 2011, I salute you. For … in the nobility of your spirit, in the exuberance of your youth, in the quality of your contacts, in the unsullied idealism that you possess, in the dedication to our common humanity ...

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The Library as a Forum for Freedom of Expression

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Today, the Library again showed why it became such a beacon for freedom of expression. In this case, former employees of the Library, who were transferred with their civil service positions to other government departments, picketed asking that they be returned to the library, accusing us of having ...

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The Will of the People Saved the BA

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In light of the current situation in Egypt, CNN interviewed Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria. He described how both opponents and supporters in Egypt’s protests, together with the BA staff, joined hands in protecting the Library. Walking with CNN’s Reporter Nic Robertson ...

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