Fate of a Cockroach in a Play Reading at the BA

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The Reference Services Unit is holding its monthly play reading in English on Wednesday, 12 May 2010. Participants will read Fate of a Cockroach by Tawfik Al-Hakim. The play depicts the feelings of a husband while watching the struggle of a cockroach to climb out of the bathtub. The husband, in ...

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The Fourth Cycle of IPS Academic Courses

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The Institute for Peace Studies (IPS), affiliated to the Suzanne Mubarak Women's International Peace Movement (SMWIPM), and hosted at the BA, announced its fourth round of academic courses to be held from July to November 2010, except August. This year’s courses will cover 6 topics: Challenges of ...

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Sharjah Government Honors 10 Young Alexandrian Poets

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The Sharjah Department of Culture and Media, United Arab Emirates, holds a Poetical Evening on Sunday, 9 May 2010, in cooperation with the BA, to honor young Alexandrian poets (less than 35 years), in an aim to support young talents in the Arab World. This event, held under the auspices of Sheikh ...

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The BA Fifth Music Competition for Western Popular Styles

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The BA Arts Center holds the BA Fifth Music Competition for Western Popular Styles from 16 to 20 July 2010, in the context of the Ninth International Summer Festival titled “Nostalgia”. The Competition targets young music bands presenting different types of western oldies music from the 50s, 60s, ...

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AIMAL 2010 Opening Ceremony at the BA

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The BA Dialogue Forum hosts the Fourth Round of Alexandria International Model Arab League (AIMAL) 2010, organized by Adwar Initiative from May to August 2010. The Opening Ceremony was held on Tuesday, 5 May 2010, attended by representative of the BA Dialogue Forum, young people who are in charge ...

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