TWAS/BioVisionAlexandria.NXT(BVA.NXT) at the BA

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TWAS/BVA.NXT 2010 is the second BioVisionAlexandira.NXT to be organized in Alexandria. It will revolve around one of the main concerns of every researcher in developing countries when publishing scientific papers. One hundred young researchers (below the age of 35 and holding a Masters or PhD) will ...

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Short Films Forum Screens Rotterdam Shorts

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The BA Arts Center organizes on 4 April 2010 the monthly Short Films Forum titled “Rotterdam Shorts (1)”. Since 1998, an annual competition is organized in Rotterdam for films shot in Rotterdam or whose film makers are citizens of the city. Screenings of the following films will take place at the ...

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Intelligence and Brilliance in Cairo Salon

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The weekly Cairo Salon TV show, presented by Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria, dedicates a special episode to the issue of Intelligence and Brilliance. The episode will be aired on Friday, 26 March 2010, at 20:30 hrs, on Egyptian TV Channel One. Serageldin hosts Dr. ...

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Serageldin Discusses Reshaping the Future of Agriculture

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Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria, will moderate a panel discussion entitled “Reshaping Agricultural Research Systems to Meet the Needs of the Poor” on 28 March 2010, at a high level dialogue on “Reshaping Agricultural Research for Development”, held on the first day of ...

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Serageldin Visits the Bibliotheque Nationale de France

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Serageldin joins the directors of 15 Réseau Francophone Numérique (RFN) - Francophone Digital Network- member libraries from around the world in a meeting held at the Bibliotheque Nationale de France (BnF) on 25 March 2010. During his visit to the BnF, an interview on the cooperation between the ...

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