Search results for "Arts Center"

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Paper Theater Workshop: Call for Participation

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The BA Arts Center is announcing a call for participation in its Paper Theater Workshop, led by Atef Abou Shehba. The workshop will teach participants how to create miniature theaters, props, and paper marionettes and will conclude with a show performed by the participants. The workshop will be ...

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The BA Theater Production Grant Results

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The BA Arts Center is announcing the winners of the 2015–2016 BA Production Grant which was announced on 21 June 2015. The Center received 49 applications by directors and troupes for the grant, and these applications underwent a selection process. Later on, 18 projects were disqualified for not ...

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Theater Training and Development at the BA Arts Center

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As part of its program for theater training and development, the BA Arts Center is glad to announce that it is now open to suggestions for innovative theater workshops. Professional national and international trainers are welcome to propose ideas of workshops that tackle any of the following ...

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“Design is a Verb” and “First Time” Exhibitions at the BA

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The BA Arts Center holds “Design is a Verb” and “First Time” Exhibitions from 5 July to 4 August 2012. “Design is a Verb” displays the works of a number of designers from various fields such as architecture, industrial design, product design, fashion design and digital creations. The Project aims ...

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