Search results for "Art Exhibitions & Collections"

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The Inauguration of “First Time #30” Exhibition

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The Bibliotheca Alexandrina witnessed yesterday the inauguration of "First Time #30" exhibition, at 2:00 pm, in the BACC East Exhibition Hall. Dr. Ahmed Zayed, Director of the BA, said that there is a tendency at the BA to focus on young people from a diverse range of backgrounds who have great ...

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The BA Launches “First Time #30” Exhibition

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The Bibliotheca Alexandrina is launching the "First Time #30" exhibition, on Tuesday, 15 August 2023, at 2:00 pm, in the BACC East Exhibition Hall. Since its revival in 2002, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina has been keen on prioritizing youth activities in all fields of knowledge, as different forms of ...

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The BA Takes Part in “Write and Tell” Exhibition

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In celebration of the bicentenary of the decipherment of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs by Jean-François Champollion, the Institut français d'Egypte (IFE) is collaborating with the BA Art Collections and Exhibitions Department to hold an exhibition entitled "Ecrire et conter" (Write and Tell), ...

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Khodeir Al-Portsaidy’s Book Launch at the BA

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As part of the BA celebration of the centenary of the Egyptian School of Arabic Calligraphy, and under the auspices of Dr. Moustafa Elfeki, Director of the BA, an event is organized to launch the book Khodeir Al-Portsaidy… An Egyptian School of Arabic Calligraphy , which was published by the BA ...

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