Search results for "Manuscripts Museum"

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Digitizing the Egyptian Engineers Society Collection

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Within a partnership between Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria, and Dr. Abd El-Hady Hussein, President of the Egyptian Engineering Society, the BA Manuscripts Museum will digitize the collection of the Egyptian Engineers Society, including around 2900 books dating back to ...

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Closing of the Sixth Manuscript Conference

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Alexandria— The Sixth Manuscript Conference, entitled “Heritage Publishing”, came to a close on Thursday, 7 May 2009. The final recommendations of the Conference asserted the importance of establishing an Arab Organization for publishing heritage, focusing on electronic publishing in addition to ...

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The Sixth Manuscript Annual Conference

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Alexandria— The BA Manuscripts Center will organize its Sixth Annual Conference entitled “Heritage Publishing” from 5 to 7 May 2009. Dr. Youssef Zidan, Head of the Manuscript Center and Museum stated that the three-days Conference will invite more than forty Arab and non-Arab researchers, in ...

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Youssef Ziedan Wins the International Prize for Arabic Fiction

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Alexandria— Dr. Youssef Ziedan, Director of the BA Manuscript Center and Museum, was awarded on Monday, 16 March 2009 the Second International Prize for Arabic Fiction, commonly known as the Arabic Booker, for his novel Azazil (Beelzebub). Six Arabic novels only were short listed among 120 ...

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