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Reviewing Committee

Partha Dasgupta
University of Cambridge, UK
Karl-Göran Mäler
Beijer Institute for Ecological Economics, Sweden
Anastasias Xepapadeas
University of Crete, Greece
Aart de Zeeuw
Tilburg University; and Beijer Institute for Ecological Economics, Netherlands
Nick Hanley
University of Stirling, UK
Scott Barrett
John Hopkins University, Washington D.C., USA
Theodore Groves
University of California, San Diego, USA
Mohamed Abdrabo
University of Alexandria; and Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt
Tom Tietenberg
Colby College, Maine, USA
Bengt Krisström, Umeå
Department of Forest Economics, Institutionen för skogsekonomi; and
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

Mordecai Schecter
University of Haifa, Israel
Max Troell
Beijer Institute for Ecological Economics, Sweden
Robert Scholes, Pretoria

The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa