Search results for "Art Exhibitions & Collections"

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BA 8th International Biennale for the Artist’s Book

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The BA is preparing to hold the 8 th International Biennale for the Artist’s Book, to be inaugurated on 10 September 2018, 5:00 PM at the East & West exhibitions halls. The Biennale and its activities are set to continue until 7 October 2018. Dr. Chadi Adib Salama has been chosen as the ...

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BA Organizes “The Inhabitants” Photo Exhibition

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The BA is set to inaugurate “The Inhabitants” photo exhibition on Thursday, 8 June 2017 at 1:00 pm. The exhibition will include artworks by artists Jack Jonathan and Charlotta Sparre and will continue until Saturday, 24 June 2017. Jack Johnathan’s family fled to Egypt, where he was born and raised, ...

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Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi to Give a Lecture at the BA

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Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi, United Arab Emirates-based columnist, prominent commentator on Arab affairs and founder of the Barjeel Art Foundation will speak at the BA on Wednesday, 30 November at 1 pm at the BA Small Theatre. Mr. Al-Qassemi’s talk will discuss the political undertones of iconic ...

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BA 7th International Biennale for the Artist’s Book

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The BA Art Exhibitions and Collections Department is organizing the BA 7 th International Biennale for the Artist’s Book, that will showcase the artworks created by 73 artists from 12 different countries. Most of the participating artworks will be offered as a donation to the BA to enrich its ...

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