Khodeir Al-Portsaidy’s Book Launch at the BA

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As part of the BA celebration of the centenary of the Egyptian School of Arabic Calligraphy, and under the auspices of Dr. Moustafa Elfeki, Director of the BA, an event is organized to launch the book Khodeir Al-Portsaidy… An Egyptian School of Arabic Calligraphy , which was published by the BA ...

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“From the Seine to the Nile” in a Poetry Evening at the BA

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The BA Library Sector, in cooperation with “La Rose Impossible” Association, organizes a special poetry evening entitled “From the Seine to the Nile: A Poetic Meeting on Surrealism”, with the attendance of writer Laurent Doucet, President of “La Rose Impossible” Association and Manager of André ...

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"Mosaic Art Course" at the BA

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The BA Antiquities Museum organizes a training course titled "The Art of Mosaics", that takes place in the BACC Multipurpose Hall, on Sunday and Monday, 27-28 February 2022. This course includes a number of lectures that shed light on one of the most prominent types of ancient art: ...

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