Search results for "Arts Center"

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The BA Children Plastic Art Exhibition (13 - 17 February 2006)

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Alexandria— The BA Art Center is organizing the BA Children Plastic Art Exhibition during the period from 13 - 17 February 2006, featuring the artistic works of 35 children from primary and preparatory schools. Maestro Sherif Mohie El-Din, Director of the BA Art Center, stated that children ...

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An exhibition for Moneer Kanaan at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA)

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Alexandria— The BA Arts Center will organize a plastic art exhibition next March for late artist Moneer Kanaan. Maestro Sherif Mohie El-Din, Director of the BA Arts Center, stated that the exhibition will shed light on the different stages of Moneer Kanaan’s works. Moneer Kanaan is one of the ...

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Theatrical and Cinematic festivals at the BA in February

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Alexandria, 6 February 2006— The Bibliotheca Alexandrina Arts Center is organizing a special program during the month of February. To initiate the month, The 3 rd Edition of the Creative Forum for Independent Theatre Groups, which is made up of several Euro-Mediterranean groups, was inaugurated, ...

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