Search results for "Arts Center"

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The Logic of Bird and Animal Arts Project

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Alexandria, 29 September 2005— The Arts Center at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) is organizing an arts project entitled "The Logic of Bird and Animal", 2-3 October. The arts project includes a variety of activities including an exhibition for the works of Professor Yehia Abdo, Dean of the Faculty ...

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Exhibition: Lines of Peace

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Alexandria, 22 September 2005— The Arts Center at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) is organizing an exhibition entitled "Lines of Peace", 25 September – 25 October 2005, which will display the works of the eminent caricaturists, Mustafa Hussein from Egypt and Jean Plantu from France. The ...

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Plastic Arts Exhibition tours Alexandria

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Alexandria, 18 August 2005— The Arts Center at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) is organizing an exhibition in Alexandria, entitled The Touring Arts Exhibition, 18 August – 17 September 2005. This event falls within the BA’s goals of promoting cultural and artistic interaction and cooperation of ...

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Homage to the Ancient Library of Alexandria

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Alexandria, 21 June 2005— The Arts Center at the Bibliotheca Alexandria (BA) is holding an exhibition in the BA Plaza, 30 June – 5 August, displaying the metal sculptures from a sculpting workshop organized by the BA at the Center for Beautifying Alexandria. Paying homage to the Ancient Library of ...

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