The Ninth Arabic Calligraphy Day

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Within the cooperation between the BA Writing and Scripts Center and Mohamed Ibrahim School for Arabic Calligraphy, the Ninth Arabic Calligraphy Day is held on Wednesday, 27 November 2013. The Ceremony features awarding students from the Mohamed Ibrahim School for Arabic Calligraphy and Mohamed ...

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“Coptic Language” Lecture

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Within the framework of the BA Coptic Studies Program, the BA holds a public lecture on Thursday, 21 November 2013, entitled “Coptic Language: Origin and Importance” by Dr. Maher Eissa, Lecturer at the Faculty of Antiquities, Fayoum University. The Lecture starts at 1:00 pm at the BA Auditorium, ...

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Selected Poems by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

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The Reference Services Section is holding its monthly Poetry Reading in English on Tuesday, 19 November 2013. Participants will read selected poems by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. The session starts at 1:00 pm in the Arts and Multimedia Library, B3 level. Participants should register their names at the ...

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“Modern Painting Techniques” Lecture

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The BA Arts and Multimedia Library holds a lecture entitled “Modern Painting Techniques” by Dr. Walid Jahin, Professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, on Monday, 18 November 2013. The Lecture starts at 2:00 pm at the BACC Lecture Hall. ...

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