Albert’s Bridge in a Play Reading at the BA

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The Reference Services Unit is holding its monthly play reading in English on Wednesday, 14 July 2010. Participants will read Albert’s Bridge by Tom Stoppard. The play is about Albert, a bridge painter, who finds his peace of mind in the geometrically ordered bridge girders, away from the chaos ...

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Huckleberry Finn in the New Phase of the “Big Read” Project

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The BA launched the fourth phase of the “Big Read; Egypt/ U.S.” project which aims at introducing American literature to Egyptian readers and vice versa. The Big Read 2010 focuses on Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. The phase started with a Drama Workshop. On 29 July 2010, Huckleberry Finn (1993) ...

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“Interact with Today’s World” at the BA

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Organized by the IEEE Alex Student Branch for the fourth successive year, under the auspices of the BA International School of Information Science (ISIS), and with the sponsorship of prominent companies in the ICT field, “Interact with Today’s World” was held at the BA from 2 to 4 July 2010. The ...

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Scientific Research in Cairo Salon

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Cairo Salon TV Show, presented by Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria, devotes an episode on scientific research, aired on Channel One on Friday, 9 July 2010, at 8:30 pm. Serageldin hosts Dr. Hisham El Sherif, leading authority in telecommunications and IT in Egypt and the ...

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